Recent U.S. Government statistics show that the rate of teenage Americans working has decreased precipitously in the past few years. Is this a good or bad thing?
Curated News on Jobs and Hiring
News about jobs and hiring
The Federal Aviation Administration is looking to hire over 1,400 air traffic controllers in the coming months. Air traffic controllers make six figures, on average.
Ever wondered what the most common job in your specific state is? How about what it was in the late-70s or mid-90s? If so, check out this new map!
Canada, like the U.S., released its jobs report for the month of June, and the results were somewhat grim. Canada lost 31,200 jobs and unemployment rose to 6.9%.
The most recent jobs for the month of July shows that the U.S. economy added 255,000 jobs. Despite this, the unemployment rate stayed stagnant at 4.9 percent.