A Czech man who works an early shift at a factory in a village takes a plane that he built to work everyday. He's been able to cut his commute in half.
Curated News on Employment
If there are high rates of employment, the economy generally is prospering
A woman with Down syndrome who has worked at the same Massachusetts-based McDonald's location for over 30 years will be commemorated on Monday, as she will retire.
An ad for a part-time Pokemon Go player in the Philippines has gone viral after a Facebook user posted it on Reddit. It is unclear as to whether the job is legit.
The minimum wage in Washington D.C. is incrementally increasing to $15 an hour, which has led to job loss and cutting of hours. It should maybe serve as a warning.
The November election for governor in the state of Missouri will probably determine whether Missouri becomes the nation's 27th right to work state.