Community Ambassador
(Memphis, Tennessee)Yelp connects people with great local businesses. Our users have contributed approximately 108 million cumulative reviews of almost every type of local business, from restaurants, boutiques and salons to dentists, mechanics, plumbers and more. These reviews are written by people using Yelp to share their everyday local business experiences, giving voice to consumers and bringing “word of mouth” online.
Do you love Memphis? Are you the go-to person when it comes to planning a night out, always ready with a recommendation for the city’s most seasoned finds and hidden hotspots?
As the Memphis Community Ambassador, you’ll be a part-time, fixed-term Yelp employee (working out of your home or anywhere with WiFi) at the helm of a vibrant, buzzing community of locals who drink, shop and play their way through the city via peer recommendations on Yelp. Community Ambassadors are creative, driven, entrepreneurial, self-motivated, friendly, and fearless.
- Host events.
- Partner with exciting local events and organizations.
- Act as the online moderator and voice of Yelp in your community.
- Support the local Elite Squad.
- Assist with the Weekly Yelp newsletter.
- You reside in Memphis and consider yourself a local expert.
- Passionate about event planning, social networking, guerrilla marketing and PR.
- Fire in the belly. Walks through walls. Takes no prisoners. In a word: driven. Even when no one is watching. Especially then.
- Social connector. You are the hub of your social world. You know everyone. Everyone knows you. The fun one. Diplomatic, too.
- Lives to write; writes to live. You know who you are... pencils down!
- Time management is your middle name and your ambition does push-ups while you sleep.
- You thrive when you’re in control of your own schedule.
- You can’t put a price on punctuality; being late is your biggest pet peeve.
Other Details:
- 1-year program.
- Flexible 10-15 hours per week.
- Must currently reside in Memphis, have reliable transportation options, and be 21+.
- Not restricted to working only for Yelp.
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