Junior Conceptor

The Marketing Arm

(Dallas, Texas)
Full Time
Job Posting Details
About The Marketing Arm
We are built to help brands engage along the entire consumer journey.
Are you always in the know? Do your friends call you to find out what’s hot and what’s not? How high is your Twaffic? Then we need you… to enlist in TMA’s guerilla army of conceptors to help commit the ultimate creative coup that puts our clients in the number one spot.
* **Research It:** You must have your finger on the pulse of upcoming trends and marketplace knowledge to keep our ideas ahead of the curve over a range of different topics and brands. * **Recognize It:** Can you find the big idea in your own and others concepts? You must not only spot big ideas with sniper-like precision, but understand what makes it a big idea, or which part of the idea makes it big. * **Present It:** Courage and confidence is must when presenting and selling ideas both internally and to clients. Do you have what it takes to engage your audience with a compelling story that fulfills the objective and exceeds all expectations?
Ideal Candidate
* 0-2 years of experience with marketing agencies a plus * Strategic and conceptual thinker * Fearless presentation skills * At least one year of promotional experience **Personality:** * Must bring original ideas to the table: No one trick ponies * Must have courage under fire: No whimping out on your ideas * Must have expert juggling skills: No dropping the ball * Must play well with others: No control freaks * Must be passionate about the work: No stopping when it’s good, push till it’s great. * Must be open to criticism: No thin skin * Must be a self-starter: We’re not here to babysit


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