Postdoctoral Associate, Hadronics Physics Group

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Full Time
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About Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT is a world-class educational institution where teaching and research — with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle — continue to be its primary purpose.


POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS)-Hadronics Physics Group, to join an ongoing research program studying short-range correlations in nuclei using hard reactions. The research program is carried out mainly at the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (JLAB), with future activities planned for the MIcroBooNE experiment at Fermilab and new proton accelerators in Europe, Japan, and/or China. The group has an active and diverse research program involving detector R&D; analysis of existing data from recent experiments; execution of approved experiments in the upgrade Halls A, B, and C of Jefferson Lab; and development of new experiments. Will be encouraged to lead different parts of the existing program, develop future experiments, and enjoy the opportunity to supervise and work with graduate students.

Ideal Candidate

REQUIRED: a recent Ph.D. in nuclear or particle physics. Exceptional candidates with Ph.D.s in other areas and an interest in medium-energy nuclear physics are encouraged to apply.


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Cambridge, Massachusetts
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  • Physics

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