Distributed Systems Engineer


(San Francisco, California)
Full Time
Job Posting Details
About Lever

We founded Lever in 2012 to tackle the most strategic challenge that companies face: how to grow their teams. We're injecting the values we respect – collaboration, transparency, and humanity – into our software and re-imagining how organizations can think about growth, with talent and teamwork at the center.


Drive scalability and performance of a cutting-edge, real-time platform. Work directly with our CTO on a small team of experienced engineers.

Our team develops ShareDB, a distributed realtime application backend. ShareDB syncs all data via Operational Transformation, the same algorithm that powers Google Docs. We are also responsible for scaling pub/sub messaging, ElasticSearch, taskqueues, realtime email sync, data apis, reporting infrastructure, and frontend Node.js applications.

Guide us in making calls on performance tradeoffs, when to hack and when to invest, how to choose the right level of abstraction, how to design systems that both work well and fail well. And know that all the work that you do the team at Lever will enrich the open source community.

Ideal Candidate

Core technologies:

JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, DerbyJS, ShareDB, IMAP, SMTP, Gmail and Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, AWS

Within 3 months, you’ll…

  • Add tests and close open issues in ShareDB
  • Create examples for gettings started with ShareDB
  • Improve ShareDB to make it more performant for large data sets
  • Design and implement tooling to make the product engineering team more productive

Within 6 months, you’ll…

  • Implement new features in ShareDB, such as cursors and presence
  • Diagnose and resolve production issues and performance optimizations
  • Build offline data sync

Within 12 months, you’ll…

  • Drive platform roadmap priorities
  • Establish platform headroom for increased scale
  • Communicate metrics on status of our platform
  • Teach the outside world/open source community how to build scalable realtime web applications


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San Francisco, California
Skills Desired
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  • APIs
  • AWS
  • JavaScript
  • Web Applications
  • ElasticSearch
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Redis
  • SMTP
  • Internet Message Access Protocol
  • Google Gmail
  • Open Source
  • Google Calendar
  • DerbyJS
  • ShareDB
  • Cloud Platform roadmap

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