Customer Success Engineer


(San Francisco, California)
Fully Remote
Job Posting Details
About Intercom

Intercom is a fundamentally new way for internet businesses to communicate with customers, personally, at scale. It's a customer communication platform with a suite of integrated products for every team—including sales, marketing, product, and support. Our products enable targeted communication with customers on your website, inside your web and mobile apps, and by email.


The Customer Success team are primarily responsible for onboarding, educating, and supporting our customers on a global level. They start work the moment a customer decides they want to use Intercom, and they stick with them every step of the way to ensure they get the most value from the product. Success Engineers are responsible for working directly with customers to help them integrate Intercom into their products, diagnose, report, and solve technical issues customers run into, and act as the bridge between our customers and our product design and development teams.

As a Success Engineer you will:

  • Face debugging complex issues not only within our own codebase but also with the many technologies employed by our customers. You'll be working with and learning a myriad of tech, including but not limited to: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Pusher, nginx, Sinatra, Sidekiq, and lots more. You’ll also apply this technical knowledge building tools to help us do our jobs more effectively and efficiently.
  • Solve technical problems for customers on a daily basis. Our customer success engineers need to be quick learners and come up to speed quickly with everything to do with our product. You’ll be expected to distill complex issues into underlying causes and work directly with our product teams to deploy solutions while consistently delivering world-class support.
  • Influence the direction of Intercom, the product. You will be talking with lots of our customers on a daily basis. The team is responsible for ensuring that newly acquired customers have a great experience with the product. A crucial part of the role is ensuring we make the product as easy to use, reliable, bug-free, and fast as possible. You will be working directly with product teams to identify current issues and, synthesizing the diverse feedback you hear from our customers, offer informed opinions on potential solutions. Hustle, defined as the fight to make positive, regular progress and encourage that fight in others, is key to the success of this team and Intercom as a whole.

We like big thinkers with small egos who believe in our goal to build a uniquely impactful, long-lasting tech company. Our vision is to fundamentally change forever how Internet businesses and their customers communicate.

Ideal Candidate
  • Being extremely self-motivated, driven, and highly communicative using asynchronous methods (You're used to living in chat apps like Slack or Hipchat)
  • Previous experience in a remote working environment
  • At least a junior level engineering or web development background and should be hungry to improve their technical skills
  • Previous experience in a troubleshooting environment and be a great problem solver
  • The ability to rapidly switch gears while retaining focus on the bigger picture
  • Passion for talking to customers all day, every day
  • Excellent communication skills. You need to be a very competent writer with the ability to explain complex topics in easy to understand and concise language [English]
  • Strong JavaScript knowledge
  • Unlike other companies, everyone in Intercom talks directly with customers. Candidates must be ambitious (every day counts!), eager to learn and improve themselves, excited about technology and the future of the internet, kind, without ego, and with a sense of humor.

Bonus skills and attributes:

  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Strong knowledge of Ruby programming language
  • Familiarity with Ruby on Rails and/or Ember.js frameworks
  • Familiarity with native mobile development (iOS and/or Android
Compensation and Working Conditions
Benefits Benefits included

Additional Notes on Compensation

- A competitive salary - Equity in a fast growing start-up - Regular compensation reviews: great work is rewarded! - Live where you want while contributing meaningfully to a very fast growing and dynamic startup - Flexible holidays


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San Francisco, California
For this position we're looking for a remote teammate near the EST timezone (UTC -5) to work an offset week (including Saturday and Sunday). We're flexible on which days of the week you choose to work outside of the weekend days.
Skills Desired
Sign up or login to see how your skills match up.
  • Customer Focus
  • Customer Relations
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Support
  • Debugging
  • Desire to Improve
  • Desire to Learn
  • Problem Solver
  • Verbal and Written Communication
  • Humor
  • Identifying Technical Problems
  • iOS
  • IT Solutions
  • JavaScript
  • Learn Quickly
  • Learning Updated Technologies
  • Marketing
  • MySQL
  • Ruby
  • Solving Problems
  • Technical Support
  • Troubleshooting
  • Web Development
  • Android App Development
  • Chat Support
  • Live Chat Software
  • MongoDB
  • Nginx
  • Redis
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Sinatra Framework
  • Ember.js
  • Pusher
  • Sidekiq

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